I Don't Know Where to Go
Once upon a time
There is a little girl
called "I"
I don't know where to go
I keep going
Walking, movement of leaves and trees, flow of the water and snow on the truck were all gestures in this video. I walked through a revolution door to present entering another world, which is the forest in this case. To disappear at the end of the path present that I do not know where to go. Those landscape fragments are what I see during the walking. I add a piece of transparent paper with a laser effect in front of the lens to a show different way of viewing the landscape.
The title "I Don't Know Where to Go" aims to express a sense of "lost". We may all have a feeling of lost in life. Sometimes, we do not know the direction, do not have an idea of a project, can not image how the future will be after graduate, etc. But life continues and we keep going. The use of laser paper to create a vast and hazy scene and the swirling of dress scenes also express the concept of lost.
The editing software used in this video is Pr. The scale of some fragments have been changed so that two or three videos can be played at the same time. Speed has been adjusted for the flow of the river. I keep the original audio of the nature to actual bring audiences to the world that i create (the forest).